Política de privacidad

Information pursuant to Regulation 2016/679 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data

Reer S.p.a., the Data Controller (art. 4 GDPR 2016/679), with registered office in Corso Re Umberto, 2 – 10121 – Turin (TO) and operating offices in Via Carcano 32, 10153 – Turin (TO) and in Via A. Meucci, 77, 10040 Leinì (TO), takes the privacy of visitors to this website and of those who interact with the pages that make it up to access online services into great consideration. Reer S.p.A. undertakes to protect all personal information that is released by the persons concerned in the ‘register – log in’ area for access to the following services: ABC Safety Pills, ‘customer service form’, ‘contact us’ area, ‘work with us’ area, voluntary and optional subscription to the REER newsletter, interaction with social networks (e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Vimeo, Instagram) and use of software made available by Reer S.p.A. for the configuration and management of its products.
The purpose of this information notice is to provide all the information on the processing of your personal data required for registration and access to the services made available by the website. Failure to provide your personal data will not allow you to contact us for information requests and to use the services made available by the Data Controller.
Registration and subsequent access through login must be considered as individual and referring to a recognised and recognisable person, who releases his/her data through the registration process. In the event that the person concerned, who has carried out the registration process, should cede his/her authentication credentials for access to Reer S.p.A. services to another person, this eventuality is beyond the responsibility of the Data Controller (Reer S.p.A.).

Nature of personal data

The information that Reer S.p.A. collects through its website is:

  • First and last name
  • Email address and telephone number
  • Country, city and address of residence or from which the registration was made
  • IP addresses from which navigation on the site is carried out
  • Company
  • The password for access to the reserved areas of the site and necessary for its recognition
  • The data inferable from any of your posts on the social networks to which our site is linked or from your CV, which can be uploaded in the «Work with us» area.

The areas of the site accessible through registration and the login procedure are, by way of example:

  • Download area for commercial documentation, manuals and software;
  • Reer Academy Area – ABC Safety Pills;
  • Reer Academy Area – Product videos and tutorials;
  • Technical support area – Customer service form
  • Contact area – Contact us
  • Contact area – Work with us
  • Other areas where registration is required.

In addition to the personal data listed above, the following data that can be traced back to a recognisable data subject (user of the device from which you are browsing) are automatically collected by the website through registration and use of the software made available by Reer

  • Computer ID
  • Computer Type
  • Computer Name


For definitions, please refer to Article 4 of GDPR 2016/679

Purpose of processing

Personal data collected through the «customer service form» and the «contact us» area are processed for the purpose of providing technical and commercial information (e.g. information on prices and availability) or for the subsequent contact of the Reer commercial area with the interested party who explicitly requests it. Data that are, on the other hand, deduced from curricula vitae sent through the «Work with us» area are exclusively aimed at the selection of candidate personnel. Personal data collected through the «customer service form» and the «contact us» area may be processed for direct marketing purposes (sending information and promotions on products and services).

Reer S.p.A. may use the personal data provided by you for sending the newsletter. The management of the newsletter may be delegated, by Reer S.p.A., to third parties who manage platforms for sending newsletters in compliance with privacy policies and in their capacity as duly appointed data processors. The sending of the newsletter is possible only after your explicit consent has been given in the special tick box, which can be revoked by you at any time, by simply clicking on the «I no longer wish to receive the Reer newsletter» (or similar), which you will find in the periodic newsletters.

Reer S.p.A., through the site you are visiting, may carry out automated processing through the use of cookies. On their methods and purposes of use, as well as on how to configure or deactivate them, please read the cookie policy published here: cookie policy

Data Processors

In addition to the sending of the newsletter and for profiling to which you may have given your consent, your data may be communicated or transferred to third parties in order to enable them to provide services on behalf of Reer S.p.A. These parties will process your personal data in their capacity as data processors or sub-processors (GDPR, art. 4, para. 1, no. 8) and have been subject to careful assessment and specific designation by Reer S.p.A, which oversees compliance and ongoing compliance with GDPR 2016/679. Reer S.p.A. will also verify that no personal data is processed by the appointed data processors for purposes other than those for which you have provided them.
The complete and updated list of data processors can be requested at any time by sending an email to: privacy@reer.it

Lawfulness, methods and duration of processing

The personal data you provide will be processed by Reer S.p.A. in accordance with the following principles of lawfulness (Art. 6 GDPR 2016/679):

  • Execution of pre-contractual measures requested by the data subject and/or contractual with the same
  • Overriding legitimate interest of the data controller (marketing of products and services, advertising)
  • Consent to the processing of one’s personal data, given by the data subject for one or more specific purposes (e.g. sending of the newsletter, profiled marketing)

At Reer S.p.A. your data will be processed for the exclusive purposes indicated in the disclosures by duly authorised and trained personnel on the processing activities and principles of GDPR 2016/679. Reer S.p.A. has adopted and correctly applied the appropriate security measures prescribed by Article 32 of GDPR 2016/679. The processing is carried out manually or through electronic devices and systems suitable to guarantee the confidentiality, privacy and security of the processed data. Personal data are collected and processed to a minimum and not excessive in relation to the purposes of their collection and processing.

Personal data will be processed by Reer S.p.a. for the time necessary to pursue the defined purposes and to fulfil any legal or regulatory obligations in the case of the execution of contractual measures.
For the execution of pre-contractual measures the data will be stored and processed until your request for cancellation or limitation of the processing.
Processing carried out with your explicit consent (newsletter and profiled marketing) will last until you revoke your consent or unsubscribe from the newsletter service.
If you have given your consent to profiling activities, we will inform you of your rights in relation to the data itself and its processing:

  • The right to object to the continued use of data for marketing purposes
  • The right to be informed about the profiling activities themselves and any automated processes
  • The right to access one’s own profile created by those carrying out profiling activities for marketing purposes
  • The right to rectification and deletion of all or part of one’s profile, including the limitation of profiling.

Except in cases of automatic profiling by third-party cookies (see Cookie policy), for which you can give or withhold consent from the cookie management banner at the top of the site, your data will not be transferred by Reer S.p.a. outside the EU territory.

In general, according to the Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to:

  • Obtain from the data controller confirmation of the existence or otherwise of your personal data and its communication in an intelligible form, to have knowledge of the origin of the data as well as the methods and purposes on which the processing is based, and the logic of the same when carried out with the aid of electronic instruments (Article 15 Reg. 2016/679).
  • Obtain the identification details of the data controller and data processors, as well as details of the entities or categories of entity to whom or which the data may be disclosed in the performance of the service (Articles 13 and 14 Reg. 2016/679).
  • Obtain the updating, rectification and integration of the data (Article 16 Reg. 2016/679).
  • Obtain the cancellation or transformation into anonymous form or the blocking of data processed in violation of the law (Article 17 Reg. 2016/679).
  • Obtain certification that the operations referred to in the two preceding chapters have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data have been communicated or disseminated, except where this is impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate effort (Article 17(2) Reg. 2016/679).
  • Object, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of the data or to restrict it (Article 18 Reg. 2016/679).

For a quicker and more certain response to requests made in the exercise of the rights listed above, you should make a written request to the Data Controller, which is the company Reer S.p.A. – Via Carcano 32, 10153 – Turin.